Criteria for gaining accreditation as a CRE

The EPA currently issues accreditation for CREs in the following categories:

  • Diagnostic imaging apparatus (x-ray)
  • Fixed radiation gauges

Diagnostic imaging apparatus

Applicants seeking accreditation as a CRE for diagnostic imaging apparatus (DIA) must have the knowledge and experience necessary for the activities they will be undertaking. Those who meet the criteria in the table on this page are eligible for accreditation in the area specific to their qualifications.

All applicants must complete the EPA induction seminar ​on the Protection from Harmful Radiation Act 1990Protection from Harmful Radiation Regulation 2013 and relevant guidelines. 
In addition to the listed pre-requisites, anyone wishing to gain accreditation in DIA must also hold a current radiation user licence relevant to the work they will be undertaking.

Accreditation categoryCodePre-requisites
DIA for mammography RAM

Australian College of Physical Scientists and Engineers in Medicine (ACPSEM) accreditation program mammography physics and quality control conducted by University of Sydney 


ACPSEM certification: Digital Mammography Equipment Testing (CR and DR) to the standard defined by the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists (RANZCR) Accreditation Requirements

DIA for radiography including bone mineral densitometry and chiropractic  RAR

Australian College of Physical Scientists and Engineers in Medicine (ACPSEM) accreditation in radiological physics


EPA approved process to obtain accreditation:

  • Mentoring and training by an accredited CRE in the area to in which they require accreditation.
  • Letter of support from the accredited CRE confirming that the applicant has the training and experience to assess required apparatus.
  • Independent assessment by an ACPSEM CRE accredited in diagnostic imaging medical physicist who has been chosen by the EPA to do the assessment.
  • An assessment from the independent CRE confirming that they found the applicant to have the skills to perform compliance testing.
DIA for dental RAD

Consulting Radiation Expert for diagnostic imaging (dental) provided by William Green Pty Ltd (in-house course only offered to persons working at William Green Pty Ltd)


Prior to December 2006
Quality Assurance in Diagnostic Radiology - Certificate of successful completion of radiography and fluoroscopy (Stage 3 Pass), University of Sydney School of Medical Radiation Sciences and Education Connections (formerly University of Sydney Continuing Professional Education Unit)


Australian College of Physical Scientists and Engineers in Medicine (ACPSEM) accreditation in radiological physics


EPA approved process to obtain accreditation:

  • Mentoring and training by an accredited CRE in the area to in which they require accreditation.
  • Letter of support from the accredited CRE confirming that the applicant has the training and experience to assess required apparatus.
  • Independent assessment by an ACPSEM CRE accredited in diagnostic imaging medical physicist who has been chosen by the EPA to do the assessment.
  • An assessment from the independent CRE confirming that they found the applicant to have the skills to perform compliance testing.

DIA for fluoroscopy and bone mineral densitometry




Prior to December 2006
​Quality assurance in diagnostic radiology certificate of successful completion radiography and fluoroscopy Stage 3 – pass (equipment registration testing) conducted by the University of Sydney School of Medical Radiation Sciences and Education Connections

Prior to January 2004
​Quality assurance in diagnostic radiology certificate - radiographic and fluoroscopy equipment registration testing conducted by the Continuing Professional Education Unit at the University of Sydney

EPA induction seminar on the Radiation Control Act 1990, Radiation Control Regulation 2013 and relevant guideline

Prior to 21 July 2000
​Quality assurance in diagnostic radiology three-day course conducted by the Continuing Professional Education Unit at the University of Sydney


Australian College of Physical Scientists and Engineers in Medicine (ACPSEM) accreditation in radiological physics


EPA approved process to obtain accreditation:

  • Mentoring and training by an accredited CRE in the area to in which they require accreditation.
  • Letter of support from the accredited CRE confirming that the applicant has the training and experience to assess required apparatus.
  • Independent assessment by an ACPSEM CRE accredited in diagnostic imaging medical physicist who has been chosen by the EPA to do the assessment.
  • An assessment from the independent CRE confirming that they found the applicant to have the skills to perform compliance testing.
 DIA for computed tomography RACT 

Australian College of Physical Scientists and Engineers in Medicine (ACPSEM) accreditation in radiological physics


EPA approved process to obtain accreditation:

  • Mentoring and training by an accredited CRE in the area to in which they require accreditation.
  • Letter of support from the accredited CRE confirming that the applicant has the training and experience to assess required apparatus.
  • Independent assessment by an ACPSEM CRE accredited in diagnostic imaging medical physicist who has been chosen by the EPA to do the assessment.
  • An assessment from the independent CRE confirming that they found the applicant to have the skills to perform compliance testing.
DIA for veterinary  RAV

Prior to December 2006
​Quality assurance in diagnostic radiology certificate of successful completion radiography and fluoroscopy Stage 3 – pass (equipment registration testing) conducted by the University of Sydney School of Medical Radiation Sciences and Education Connections

Prior to January 2004
​Quality assurance in diagnostic radiology certificate – radiographic and fluoroscopy equipment registration testing conducted by the Continuing Professional Education Unit at the University of Sydney

Prior to 21 July 2000
​Quality assurance in diagnostic radiology three-day course conducted by the Continuing Professional Education Unit at the University of Sydney


Australian College of Physical Scientists and Engineers in Medicine (ACPSEM) accreditation in radiological physics


EPA approved process to obtain accreditation:

  • Mentoring and training by an accredited CRE in the area to in which they require accreditation.
  • Letter of support from the accredited CRE confirming that the applicant has the training and experience to assess required apparatus.
  • Independent assessment by an ACPSEM CRE accredited in diagnostic imaging medical physicist who has been chosen by the EPA to do the assessment.
  • An assessment from the independent CRE confirming that they found the applicant to have the skills to perform compliance testing.

Fixed radiation gauges

Applicants seeking to be accredited as a CRE to assess fixed radiation gauges must have the knowledge and experience necessary for the activities they will be undertaking. The criteria to gain accreditation for fixed radiation gauges is listed below.

All applicants must complete the EPA induction seminar ​on the Protection from Harmful Radiation Act 1990, Protection from Harmful Radiation 2013 and relevant guidelines.

Accreditation categoryCode Pre-requisites
Fixed radiation gauges GAG

The following components must be passed or completed to be eligible for accreditation as a CRE for fixed radiation gauges:

  • 5 years working in an Industry related to fixed radiation gauging (resume and referees/references to be provided).
  • A pass of 70% or more be obtained in the written exam before being eligible to undertake the practical test.
  • Practical assessment of a gauge with a 70% pass required.
  • Completion of a detailed report on the tested gauge.
  • Completion of parts A and B of a Certificate of Inspection of the Fixed Radiation Gauge.


Applicants requiring advice on gaining accreditation should contact the EPA's Regulatory & Compliance Support Unit on (02) 9995 5700.