Approval of personal monitoring devices and providers
Applications from organisations seeking approval to supply personal monitoring services and personal monitoring devices (PMDs) in NSW are assessed against the following criteria
1. Is the organisation accredited by the National Association of Testing Authorities (NATA) or equivalent?
2. Will the personal monitoring device:
- respond to the types of radiation to which its wearer is exposed?
- provide measurements of exposure within the following ranges - 15 keV to 1.5 MeV for photons; 0.2 MeV to 3.5 MeV (Emax) for beta radiation; and thermal energy to 15 MeV for neutrons?
- measure the personal dose equivalent Hp(d) in soft tissue below a specified point on the body at an appropriate depth?
- measure external radiation doses over the range 20 µSv to 10 Sv?
3. Are the measurements and calibration of each personal monitoring device traceable to an appropriate standard, that is to a national primary standard or secondary or tertiary standard that is traceable to the national primary standard?
Applications from organisations seeking approval to sell personal monitoring devices that are calibrated overseas are also assessed against the above criteria.
All applications must include a profile of the organisation and specifications for each device.
Applications addressing the above criteria may be lodged with the EPA for assessment either by mail or email. Once an application has been received the EPA will invoice the applicant with the prescribed fee for payment. The fees are prescribed in schedule 4 of the Protection from Harmful Radiation Regulation 2013.
The application will be assessed by the EPA once the prescribed fee has been paid. The EPA will inform the applicant of the outcome of its assessment of the application in writing within three weeks.