Radiation management licence requirements
The Protection from Harmful Radiation Act 1990 and Protection from Harmful Regulation 2013 provide for the EPA to license persons responsible for regulated material and to impose conditions on their management licence.
A person responsible for regulated material must hold a radiation management licence in respect of the regulated material and must comply with any conditions to which the licence is subject.
The purpose of a management licence is to regulate, restrict or prohibit the possession*, sale, storage, giving away, and disposal of regulated material to protect the community and the environment from exposure to radiation.
*Possession with respect to a management licence means possession other than:
- a person who is the holder of a radiation user licence in respect of the regulated material and who has possession of the regulated material only for the purposes of using the regulated material, or
- a person who has possession of the regulated material only for the purposes of transporting the regulated material. See Code of Practice for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Material.
A management licence to possess, store, sell or giving away regulated material is valid for one year. A management licence to only sell regulated material is valid for either one or three years. A management licence is required to be renewed.
If the responsible person of the regulated material is an individual person who also uses the apparatus (for example, a sole trader), they must also have a user licence with conditions appropriate to the apparatus in use.
To 'sell' means to sell by wholesale or retail, and includes barter, supply for profit, lease, let out on hire, offer or expose for sale, receive for sale, have in possession for sale, send, forward or deliver for sale, and cause, suffer or allow to be sold, offered or exposed for sale.
Companies applying for this type of licence must do so in the name of a legal entity, that is the name of the company or individual not a trading name, partnership or a private trust. Companies must provide an Australian Company Number (ACN) or an Australian Registered Body Name (ARBN) if they are overseas corporations. Individuals must provide an Australian Business Number (ABN).
These licences also allow the purchase of regulated material.
Applying for a radiation management licence
Use eConnect EPA to apply, renew, vary or update a radiation management licence online.