Applications for a radiation licence or accreditation under mutual recognition

Under the long-standing mutual recognition scheme, if you are registered in an equivalent occupation in another state or territory or New Zealand, you may be entitled to apply to the EPA for:

  • a licence to use radioactive substances, sealed source devices (SSDs) and radiation apparatus, or
  • an accreditation related to your occupation. 

Unless you are eligible for automatic mutual recognition, you'll need to apply for mutual recognition of your existing registration and pay any applicable fee.

Note: If you hold registration with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) or registration with an interstate or New Zealand Veterinary Practitioner’s registration board, but do not ​hold a radiation user licence in another Australian state or territory or in New Zealand, then you are not eligible for mutual recognition.

The Guideline for the Operation of the Mutual Recognition Legislation for Licensing and Accreditation under the Radiation Control Act 1990 (PDF 88KB) details the operation of the legislation in relation to licensing and accreditation under the Radiation Control Act. 

Apply for a radiation user licence or consulting radiation expert accreditation

To apply under mutual recognition, you must provide the EPA with:

Apply for a radiation security assessor accreditation

To apply under mutual recognition, you must complete the following online application form:

As part of completing the online application form you will need to: