Requirements for identity checks - Protection from Harmful Radiation Regulation 2013, clause 25(1)

An identity check for persons who deal with security-enhanced sources (as set out in section 14B of the Act and clause 25(2) of the Regulation) shall be conducted in accordance with the Gold Standard Enrolment Framework (GSEF). The Council of Australian Governments (COAG) endorsed the GSEF as the national best practice guide for identity-checking in the National Identity Security Strategy.

The GSEF requires documents from four categories to establish proof of identity:

  1. Evidence of commencement of identity in Australia
  2. Linkage between evidence of the identity and person
  3. Evidence of identity operating in the community
  4. Evidence of residential address.

The person conducting the identity check must sight documents from categories 1, 2 and 3. A document from category 4 is only required where the person's current residential address is not shown in a category 2 or 3 document.

The person conducting the check must keep an identity check record, which records the name and residential address of the person who is the subject of the check and the documents sighted in performing the check.

Change of name – Evidence of change of name is required if the name on any of the documents presented is different from the name of the person.

Preferred documents are shown in the table below. If one of the preferred documents is not available, another acceptable document may be used.

If a person is unable to provide an acceptable document, the person conducting the check should contact the EPA to discuss the particular circumstances.

Proof of identity   Preferred documents
Category 1

Primary identity document and evidence of citizenship or immigration status

 If the person was born in Australia:
  • Australian birth certificate issued by a Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages

If person was born overseas and is a citizen or permanent resident, one of the following:

  • Citizenship certificate
  • Permanent resident visa
  • Permanent residency certificate
  • Certificate of evidence of residence status

If person was born overseas and is not a citizen or permanent resident:

  • Foreign passport, and
  • Australian visa issued for entry to Australia
    New Zealand citizens only need to produce their New Zealand passport as a Special Category Visa is issued upon arrival into Australia and this visa is electronically recorded.
Category 2

Linkage between identity and person (photo and signature)

  • Australian driver's licence (current)
  • Passport (current)
  • Firearms licence (current)
  • NSW photo card issued by Roads and Maritime Services
  • Certificate of identity issued by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) or the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) for one time use by Australians travelling oversees
Category 3

Evidence that the person operates in the community

  • Medicare card
  • Motor vehicle registration
  • Centrelink or Department of Veterans Affairs card
  • Debit or credit card of a financial institution
Category 4

Evidence of residential address

  • Utility documents of residential address (e.g. bills for electricity, gas, water)
  • Insurance policy with current residential address
  • Statement of account of a financial institution with current residential address

List of acceptable proof of identity documents

Category 1 – Primary identity document

No other acceptable documents in category 1

Category 2 – Linkage between identity and person

No other acceptable documents in category 2.

Category 3 – Evidence of identity operating in the community

The following documents issued in the name of the person who is the subject of the check are also acceptable:

  • Change of name certificate issued by a Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages (only in the case other than change of name by marriage)
  • Original Australian Marriage Certificate (full) issued by a State Government Agency (not church or celebrant issued)
  • Original Australian Divorce Certificate (Decree nisi)
  • Share certificates
  • Term deposit
  • Other financial papers or documents, such as superannuation statements
  • Current health insurance card
  • Original Australian trade certificate
  • Registration certificate from a National or State/Territory Professional Registration Board, for example, doctors, nurses, dentists, physiotherapists and accountants
  • Australian armed services discharge papers
  • Current motoring association membership card or documents (NRMA, RACQ, RACV, RAA, RACT, RAC (WA), AANT)
  • Current education institution ID card.

Category 4 - Evidence of residential address

The following documents issued in the name of the person who is the subject of the check and current address are also acceptable:

  • Current rates notice
  • Legally drawn mortgage papers
  • Formal lease agreement
  • Proof of electoral enrolment card
  • Termination notice, report or reference from employer (to be verified with employer)


Persons conducting identity checks should include a process for identity verification in the event of uncertainty about proof of identity documents.

Mechanisms such as the National Document Verification Service (DVS) or an alternative verification service, such as Australia Post can be used.

Further, persons conducting identity checks should ensure that a Visa Entitlement Verification Check underpins the GSEF for non-Australian citizens.

The Visa Entitlement Verification Check can be undertaken through the DIAC online Visa Entitlement Verification Online (VEVO) service.

This check will verify an applicant’s citizenship status, residency status and entitlement to work in Australia, including, but not limited to, whether the person is an Australian citizen, a permanent resident or an unlawful non-citizen.

There are no additional requirements for identity checks for persons who have:

  • had their identity confirmed by Auscheck under the Maritime Security Identification Card (MSIC), Aviation Security Identification Card (ASIC), or National Health Security (NHS) check schemes
  • been deemed suitable for a security clearance by the Australian Government Security Vetting Agency (AGVSA)
  • a Security Clearance for Handling Explosives or an Unsupervised Handling Licence (UHL) 
  • had their identity confirmed by a check specified in radiation legislation by another Australian State or Territory Government which would meet the NSW requirements.