The NSW Government encourages the beneficial use of biosolids where it is safe and practicable and where it provides the best environmental outcome. In cases where beneficial use is not possible, biosolids must be disposed of safely and lawfully.
Our understanding and experience of how to manage biosolids has increased considerably since we developed the rules that apply to the reuse of biosolids. New contaminants of concern have emerged in the past 25 years and it is important that our regulation of biosolids is fit for purpose and protective of human health and the environment.
In NSW the land application of biosolids and any material mixed with or produced with biosolids is regulated under the following guidelines:
- Environmental Guidelines: Use and Disposal of Biosolids Products (PDF 855KB): The Biosolids Guidelines help planners, designers and operators of sewerage systems, and those involved with the processing and end-use of biosolids, by establishing requirements for the beneficial use and disposal of biosolids to land in NSW.
- Biosolids Order (PDF 54KB) and Biosolids Exemption (PDF 55KB): Where biosolids are managed in accordance with the Biosolids Guidelines, the land application of that material is exempted from certain requirements of the waste regulatory framework. For more information about exemptions, see Resource recovery orders and exemptions.
- Waste Classification Guidelines: Biosolids are preclassified for the purposes of disposal under Part 1: Classifying waste of the Waste Classification Guidelines.
See the fact sheet: Applying compost and biosolids to land (PDF 275KB).
Public consultation
Public consultation on the NSW Biosolids Regulatory Review is now closed. A report on the consultation outcomes will be released, and your feedback will be used to inform the drafting of a new regulatory approach for biosolids.

Applying compost and biosolids to land Applying compost and biosolids to land