Interested in being a collection point operator?

Collection Point Operators will play an important role in the NSW Government’s Container Deposit Scheme, Return and Earn, which will contribute to the Premier’s Priority of reducing litter by 40% by 2020.

The Network Operator, TOMRA Cleanaway, is responsible for establishing more than 500 collection points across NSW including more than 800 reverse vending machines.

TOMRA Cleanaway will

  • determine the location of collection points across NSW
  • appoint Collection Point Operators

Design and operational requirements for collection points

To help fast track the development of low-impact recycling equipment and facilities for ​Return and Earn collection points, the Department of Planning and Environment (DPE) amended State Environmental Planning Policy (Exempt and Complying Development Codes) 2008 (Codes SEPP).

  • The amendments allow low-impact recycling equipment, such as reverse vending machines, for eligible containers such as bottles and cans, to be carried out as ​exempt development which means they will not require a planning or building approval.
  • The Codes SEPP has also been updated to allow certain recycling facilities to be fast tracked under a complying development approval – where if the proposal meets relevant development standards in the Codes SEPP, it can be determined by a private certifier or the local council.

The EPA has produced the Design Guide for Container Recycling Equipment and Facilities under the NSW Container Deposit Scheme Guide (PDF 4.25MB), to accompany the amendment to the Codes SEPP. This guide sets out proposed design criteria to ensure that the low impact infrastructure does not visually impact on the nominated locations.

More information can be found

What will Collection Point Operators do?

Collection Point Operators will manage collection points which can be manual or automated and include

  • reverse vending machines
  • local shops
  • depot sites
  • existing recycling centres

Collection Point Operators will

  • have entered into a Collection Point Agreement with the Network Operator, TOMRA Cleanaway
  • agree to set up and manage collection points in accordance with the design guidelines (PDF 4.62MB)
  • ensure drink containers presented to them are eligible under Return and Earn
  • provide Return and Earn users with 10 cents per eligible container returned

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Register your interest to become a Collection Point Operator