Hunter River Salinity Trading Scheme Operations Committee - nomination form

Transporting waste

Tracking asbestos waste using the Integrated Waste Tracking Solution
Asbestos transporters and facilities receiving asbestos waste transported inside NSW weighing 100 kilograms or more, or consisting of 10 square metres or more of asbestos sheeting in one load must track and report this waste to the EPA using the Integrated Waste Tracking Solution (IWTS).

Tracking waste tyres using the Integrated Waste Tracking Solution
Consignors, transporters and receivers of tyre waste transported inside NSW weighing 200 kilograms or more, or consisting of 20 or more tyres in one load must track and report this waste to the EPA using the Integrated Waste Tracking Solution (IWTS).

Asbestos and waste tyres guidelines

Data quality statement (2022-23)

NSW waste and recycling performance data for the 2022-23 financial year

EPA CEO calls for united front to tackle e-waste at industry summit

Tracking waste tyres and asbestos waste

Tahmoor odours investigation
We are aware that the community has been experiencing odours within the town of Tahmoor and are investigating. This includes undertaking odour surveys in Tahmoor and inspecting activities we regulate in the area.