New scheduled activities for environmentally hazardous chemicals
The Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 (POEO Act) includes new scheduled activities for environmentally hazardous chemicals for premises based and non premises-based activities.

Chemical use notices
The Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 (POEO Act) allows the EPA to issue a chemical use notice to require manufacturers and users of a specified chemical to provide information about their use of the chemical.

Streamlining the NSW regulatory framework for managing industrial chemicals

Converting EHC licences to environment protection licences
Current EHC licences issued under the former Environmentally Hazardous Chemicals Act 1985 (EHC Act) have been converted to environment protection licences under the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 (POEO Act).

Chemical Control Order requirements

Chemical wastes
Please note that this section of the manual may contain out-of-date information. It has been retained to provide general information until a revised version is available. For further up-to-date information on this topic please contact the EPA.

Changes to the regulation of industrial chemicals

Chemical control orders

Tantangara Dam algal bloom
We are aware of a naturally occurring algal bloom in Tantangara Dam which is known to occur in the region following warm weather.

$10.4 million for councils to reduce food waste