Flood recovery program for water quality monitoring - East Coast

Central Coast Council fined for spilling 1.8M litres of untreated sewage
Central Coast Council has been ordered to pay a total of $418,562 by the Land and Environment Court for failing to maintain a sewage pipeline which caused a significant water pollution event in Narara Creek near Gosford in April 2023.

Carbon recycling and abatement

Flood recovery program for water quality monitoring - east coast project dashboard

Consultation opens to cut carbon emissions and prioritise recycled materials in NSW infrastructure
Consultation is now open on the state’s first ever Protection of the Environment Policy (PEP) for Sustainable Construction, which aims to reduce upfront carbon emissions and promote a circular economy in major public infrastructure projects such as hospitals, schools and roads.


EPA commences prosecutions against three companies in response to asbestos in mulch investigation
The NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) has commenced a suite of prosecutions against three companies and one individual in response to its asbestos in mulch investigation.

Greenhouse gas emissions intensity of the NSW electricity grid
AEMO Services has awarded 6 Long-Term Energy Service Agreements for firming infrastructure, 3 firming supply agreements and 3 demand response agreements.