Exemptions from the waste levy
Exemptions from the waste levy are available for certain facilities, and for certain types of waste received at an EPA-licensed landfill.

The NSW Government encourages the beneficial use of biosolids where it is safe and practicable and where it provides the best environmental outcome. In cases where beneficial use is not possible, biosolids must be disposed of safely and lawfully.

Reducing cogeneration and trigeneration emissions
Gas-fired cogeneration and trigeneration are greenhouse-friendly ways of generating electricity using fossil fuels because they waste little energy. Even so, they can emit significant amounts of oxides of nitrogen (NOx). We published a policy describing best available techniques for minimising emissions and has set limits reflecting these practices.

State of the Environment 2021

Pesticide education and monitoring campaigns and investigations

Locomotive class register

Rozelle Parklands EPA investigation

Managing odour
Bad smells are a large cause of complaints to our Environment Line and generate a lot of ill will in the community. We work with industry on ways to prevent odour and issues heavy fines and penalties when odour becomes an issue.