Engagement Framework
Our Engagement Framework is designed to bring community, customers and partners together to share ideas and collaborate.

EPA homepage
NSW's independent environmental regulator. We protect the health of our environment and communities.

FOGO information for households
Find out what can and can't go in household FO and FOGO bins.

Cruise ship fuel compliance in Sydney Harbour
The Commonwealth Government is responsible for regulating fuel used by cruise ships in Sydney Harbour. Specifications for fuel used by cruise ships in Sydney Harbour are no longer regulated under NSW legislation.

Native forestry compliance update
The EPA regulates compliance of native forestry on both private and public land to protect the environment and ensure logging operations are sustainable.

Trainers in pesticide use
Regular pesticide users must be trained and attain a qualification from a registered training organisation in accordance with the Australian Qualifications Framework. They must also be retrained every 5 years. A range of training and retraining is available to suit all pesticide users.