Veolia directed to manage dam storage capacity

EPA seeking information about poisoned cockatoos
The NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) is appealing for information from the community after a series of sulphur-crested cockatoo poisonings in the Sutherland Shire.

Streets to Sea
The NSW Government will offer up to $1 million for councils, catchment groups and other key stakeholders to deliver catchment-based approaches to reduce the flow of litter into NSW waterways.

Guidelines on enforceable undertakings

Awaba odours
We are aware of community complaints about odours alleged to be from the Remondis Australia Pty Ltd (Remondis) Organics Resource Recovery Facility at Awaba in Lake Macquarie.

Plastics bans and packaged food and drinks

Resources to keep informed about the single-use plastics ban

Brochures and posters
Informational brochures and posters on the plastics ban for display in your business or organisation.

Kanwal General Store and Fuel Supplies
Kanwal General Store and Fuel Supplies, at 68 Craigie Avenue, Kanwal, is contaminated due to fuel leaks and spills associated with the operation of the service station over a long period of time.