Botany Bay area

Per-and-poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) investigations are ongoing at various premises around Botany Bay. This includes companies at Botany Industrial Park, Sydney Airport, and Caltex at Kurnell.  

The number of potential sources of PFAS in the area makes it difficult to attribute detections in Botany Bay to individual sources. However, preliminary sampling undertaken by Airservices Australia indicates that historical use of PFAS-containing firefighting foam has led to detections in surface and groundwater within the airport precinct, and in some limited sampling of fish and sediments.

PFAS has been detected in some species of fish caught in Botany Bay and the Georges River however, the number of potential sources of PFAS in the area makes it difficult to attribute the detections to individual sources.

Residents can continue to fish in Botany Bay and the Georges River but should follow precautionary dietary advice when eating their catch. Signage has been installed at Tower Beach and several locations around Botany Bay and Georges River with current advice for fishing and swimming.

January 2025 – Water Sampling Results

On 9 January, EPA officers conducted sampling for PFAS analysis at 4 locations: Tower Beach, the opening of the Cooks River, Kyeemagh and Brighton-Le-Sands beach baths.

All samples show that PFAS is well below the National Health and Medical Research Council’s Recreational Water Quality Guidelines, meaning the risk to swimmers and other users of the beach from PFAS is low.

Visitors to Botany Bay and Tower Beach should continue to follow advice to avoid swimming for three days after heavy rain and are encouraged to check the Beachwatch website for daily updates on water quality associated with stormwater pollution.

Precautionary dietary advice regarding fishing remains in place, but as a precaution DPI Fisheries will be re-testing selected species of fish in coming months to determine if any updates to this advice is required.

Read the Recreational Water Quality Guidelines (NHMRC 2019).

PFAS Water Sampling Results – Botany Bay around Sydney Airport (sampled 9 January 2025)

 Tower BeachKyeemagh BathsBrighton-Le-Sands Beach BathsBotany Bay (along runway)Botany Bay (Centre)Cooks River (opening into Botany Bay)Cooks River (upstream)Recreational Water quality guidelines NHMRC 2019 (µg/L)
PFHXs + PFOS (µg/L)0.0170.0120.0020.0160.0020.0160.0132
PFOA (µg/L)0.0050.003<0.0010.004<0.0010.0050.00610

* Results reported as ‘less than’ (<) indicates a result below the practical limit of laboratory detection.

* The National Health and Medical Research Council’s Recreational Water Quality Guidelines for the sum of PFOS and PFHxS is 2µg/L (micrograms per litre)

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