02 Mar 2023
$2 million to target flood cleanup and illegal dumping
Councils and public land managers can now share in $2 million in funding to help tackle the ongoing clean-up of flood waste in areas affected by the extreme weather events of last year.

27 Feb 2023
Sydney Water ordered to pay $200,000 for polluting creek
Sydney Water Corporation has been convicted and fined $200,000 in the Land and Environment Court of NSW after 282,000 litres of raw sewage discharged into Prospect Creek.

24 Feb 2023
Monday deadline for soft plastic removal plan
The NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) on Wednesday issued Australia’s largest supermarkets, Coles and Woolworths, with a revised draft Clean-up Notice to manage the recovery, recycling and lawful removal of more than 5200 tonnes of soft plastic stockpiled across the state.

24 Feb 2023
NSW kickstarts decarbonisation and circular design in infrastructure (NSW)
The cost of carbon will be measured in business cases for future NSW Government infrastructure projects to drive down emissions and costs for the people of NSW.

20 Feb 2023
Moree Plains, Narrabri and Walgett farmers engaging on pesticide use
Farmers in Moree Plains, Narrabri and Walgett are getting a visit from the NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) as part of a three-day blitz engaging farmers on proper pesticide use.
14 Feb 2023
Bayswater Power Station fined $15,000 for alleged saline water discharge
Bayswater Power Station, operated by AGL Macquarie Pty Limited (AGLM), has been fined $15,000 after the company allegedly discharged saline water in Bayswater Creek.