10 Aug 2023
EPA issues two penalty notices to Veolia for waste offences
The NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) has issued two penalty notices to Veolia Environmental Services (Australia) Pty Ltd totalling $30,000. The fines follow the alleged detection of waste leaking from containers onto a public road during transport between the Crisps Creek Intermodal Facility and Woodlawn Landfill, Tarago.

10 Aug 2023
Measures in place to stop Tumut odour issue
In response to the recent ongoing odour issue impacting residents in Tumut and Gilmore, the NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) has issued a prevention notice and is requiring Tumut Waste Pty Ltd to restrict the volume and types of waste that can be accepted at its Bellettes Landfill.

09 Aug 2023
Opportunity for licensees to inform climate change actions
We are working with industry to decarbonise and build greater preparedness and resilience to climate change risks through our Climate Change Policy and Action Plan, released earlier this year.

08 Aug 2023
EPA issues Metropolitan Collieries Clean-Up Notice for landslip
The NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) has issued a Clean-Up Notice to Metropolitan Collieries Pty Ltd in response to a landslip that occurred on Sunday at the colliery in Helensburgh, impacting Camp Gully Creek.

05 Aug 2023
Battery safety to prevent fires
The NSW Minns Government is urging households to use, store and dispose of batteries safely to combat the surge in house, garbage truck and waste facility fires. The Government is raising awareness of how to prevent these potentially deadly fires and save lives.

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04 Aug 2023
Regional illegal dumping squads and programs
The RID program contributes to combating and preventing illegal dumping. The program supports local councils by using a regional approach to illegal dumping and coordinating proactive deterrence measures across participating member councils.

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03 Aug 2023
Native forestry in NSW: an overview
The native forests of NSW are one of our most valuable assets, benefitting the community, wildlife, and the economy. Here are the ways we work with all of NSW to protect them.

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03 Aug 2023
Native forestry regulatory framework
The EPA is responsible for regulating native forestry operations on private and public (Crown) land in NSW.

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03 Aug 2023
Regulating native forestry
We regulate native forestry operations on both public and private land in NSW. Our compliance program aims to protect the environment while enabling the sustainable supply of native timber.

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03 Aug 2023
Inspections of forestry operations
Information about EPA inspections of crown forestry operations.