Reporting forestry incidents
We encourage members of the community to report forestry operation incidents that they suspect may be illegal or threaten the environment.

Bushfire-affected forestry operations
Five million hectares in NSW were burnt in the 2019-20 bushfires, including more than 890,000 hectares of native State Forests. This is over 40% of the coastal and tablelands native State Forests in NSW.

Status of operations in bushfire-affected forests
We continue to advocate that FCNSW obtain site-specific operating conditions in areas recovering from the 2019–20 wildfires.

Mapping and research

Koala habitat and occupancy mapping program
We completed a 3-year program that mapped koala habitat and occupancy in NSW native forests to inform new identification methods in native forestry areas.

Mapping koala occurrence

Trialling koala habitat maps

Modelling koala habitat
The Predictive Koala Habitat Model was developed as the final stage of the koala mapping program. The model produces a map of koala habitat in north-eastern NSW by using environmental variables which are correlated with koala records, such as vegetation, soil type and climate. The maps will be used to more accurately identify koala habitat in private and public native forests in NSW.

Threatened ecological communities
Threatened ecological communities (TECs) are rare groups of plants, animals and other organisms interacting in a unique habitat. We completed a 3-year TEC mapping project to improve the recognition, management and regulation of TECs in native forestry areas in NSW.

Private Native Forestry Codes of Practice