Mapping koala occurrence

Trialling koala habitat maps

Modelling koala habitat
The Predictive Koala Habitat Model was developed as the final stage of the koala mapping program. The model produces a map of koala habitat in north-eastern NSW by using environmental variables which are correlated with koala records, such as vegetation, soil type and climate. The maps will be used to more accurately identify koala habitat in private and public native forests in NSW.

Threatened ecological communities
Threatened ecological communities (TECs) are rare groups of plants, animals and other organisms interacting in a unique habitat. We completed a 3-year TEC mapping project to improve the recognition, management and regulation of TECs in native forestry areas in NSW.

Private Native Forestry Codes of Practice

Old growth forest and rainforest

Conducting private native forestry
We have developed guidelines and videos to provide further information to operators and landholders conducting native forestry operations and to support compliance with the PNF Code of Practice.

Introduction to PNF - video playlist

Private native forestry training clips
The NSW Government has developed a series of DVDs and video clips for landholders, contractors and other stakeholders interested in private native forestry.

Public native forestry
Native forestry on public land is mostly in state forests, and includes timber harvesting and thinning, constructing access roads, burning, grazing, and other activities. The Forestry Corporation of NSW manages these operations, and we regulate them.